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Justice of Peace


Merseyside police and Pal centre Liverpool together held a series of video links with the members of the BME communities to spread awareness and reduce Hate crime.

The trustees of the PAL Centre are grateful to the new Assistant chief constable Mr Ian Critchley and his team in ensuring that Hate crime is dealt with promptly by the police. Special thanks to officers, Aziz Rehman and Phil Cragg who helped in organising the event.

Video footage by the members of the ethnic community was taken in different languages to be used by the police for the Hate crime awareness campaign.

MRS NAHID TAHIR BUTT Pakistan Association Liverpool and its trustees are delighted with the appointment of Mrs Nahid Tahir Butt to serve as a Justice of Peace (JP) for the Liverpool Bench.

A well-deserved appointment for the hard work Nahid has been doing for the people of Liverpool over many years.

It is also nice to see the ladies of the BME communities being finally recognised for the excellent achievements in enhancing community integration and Cohesion work. WELL DONE NAHID


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